Heavy Material – What are they?
Heavy Material – are products that are or made from or that incorporate these types of products or materials?
- Bricks
- Soil, Dirt, Clay & Shale
- Gravel, Stones
- Pavers
- Concrete
- Asphalt Rocks
- Roof tiles
- Ceramic tiles
Due to the amount or volume, they may also be other waste items that will exceed the weight allowance, i.e. artificial turf, rubber, carpets, etc.
If these items are placed in the General Waste bin, they can quickly push up the weight, and then the bin becomes Medium Waste or Heavy Mixed Waste. As a guide, the General Waste bins do not include any of these materials.
We’ve constructed our pricing to reflect best the waste types that allow disposal in line with the intentions of the Qld Government Waste Levy objectives so that we can pass these savings on to customers.

How much weight can I put in the bin with Heavy Materials?
As a general guide, the maximum load for heavy materials in bins is ‘1 tonne per cubic metre‘. Bins larger than 6m3 have additional limits applied to them for heavy materials. For bins from 7m3 up to 15m3, this translates to half the bin capacity of heavy material. The 20m3, 25m3, and 30m3 bins are unsuitable for heavy material as even with additional lighter items; they can easily exceed what can be lifted or carried legally or safely.
Suppose you need to place heavy materials such as concrete, soil, clay, rocks, rubble, bricks, sand, asphalt, ceramic & roofing tiles or other solid heavy materials etc., into a bin. In that case, the weight is calculated to account for ‘air space’ within the bin. The loading guideline does not allow for hand loading, stacking of bricks, pavers, concrete, or compacting soils, dirt, etc., as this would increase the weight within the bin. To explain this more, we often say ‘loosely filled’ or ‘as it drops into the bin’!
Important Notes for Heavy Materials:
- Some oversized items of machinery or equipment may also exceed the weight limits.
- The general guide for heavy materials is ‘1 tonne per cubic metre’ unless additional limits apply.
- Due to the limited disposal options and higher disposal fees available for these loads, additional costs may apply to some locations.
- The guidelines are calculated to account for the bin’s air space and waste. These limits do not allow for handloading, stacking of bricks, pavers, concrete etc. or compacting soils, dirt etc., as this would increase the weight in the bin.
In addition to this, please note!
NO filling above the bin’s rim or the ‘solid fill line’ (7m3 – 9m3 bins). For Big Bins (12m3 & 15m3), our office or the driver will give specific loading instructions. Generally, 20m3, 25m3 & 30m3 are not suitable for heavy materials.
If the guidelines are exceeded, we reserve the right to leave the bin behind and charge an additional fee for lost time, time on site and a return trip or the time it takes to unload and make a bin safe for transport.
More information is available on the ‘Guidelines‘ page, or if you are unsure, please phone us on (07) 3821 3200; we would be happy to discuss & offer advice on the best solution for your situation. Alternatively, you can contact us by email or complete a ‘General Enquiry’ through our online booking forms by selecting the ‘General Enquiry’ tab. We’ll respond as soon as practical once we receive your enquiry.